mtb 구조

페달, 각종크랭크 무게

단석 2008. 1. 30. 22:22

먼저 클릿의 유래가 있어야겠죠...^^

클릿이 있기 전에, 클립 페달이 있었습니다...

경륜등을 할때 보시면, 페달과 신발이 끈 같은것으로 고정이 되어있죠?

이렇게 페달에 신발을 고정시킴으로써, 페달을 밟을때는 물론 들어올릴때도 힘을 줄 수 있는것이죠...

결과적으로 내리고, 들어올리는 힘이 똑같다면 50%이상의 효율이 증대하게 됩니다..

하지만, 밟을때 쓰는 근육이 더 강하기 때문에..실제로는 15~25%정도의 효율을 보인다고 하죠 ^^


클립페달은 커다란 단점이 있었습니다..견고히 고정을 시키려면, 혼자서는 불가능 하다는 것이죠..

한쪽발을 페달에 넣고, 버클등을 조이고..반대쪽도 하려면 누군가가 잡아줘야 하잖아요 ^^

그래서 버클이 없는 클립 또는 옆에 가죽스트랩이 없는 하프클립 등이 생겨났죠..

완벽하지는 않지만, 상당한 효과를 기대할 수 있는 장치들이니까요 ^^


여기서 또다시 문제가 생깁니다...

사고가 나거나 할때, 적당한 각도로 뒤로 당겨줘야 빠진다는것이죠...

만약 사고가 나서 몸이 앞으로 쏠리는 상황이라면, 못빼고 같이 넘어져버리게 되는 ㅡ.ㅡ;;


여기서 부터 클릿으로 넘어갈께요 ^^

클릿...정확히는 클립리스...클립이 없는 페달 이라는 것이죠...^^

고정도 혼자 할 수 있고, 뺄때도 뒤꿈치를 돌려주면 빠지는...새로운 방식이 되는것이죠...


클릿은 크게 두가지로 나눠집니다..로드바이크용과 MTB용이죠...

로드바이크용은, 오로지 힘 전달과 견고한 밀착을 목적으로 만들어져서...

페달의 한면만을 사용할 수 있으며, 클릿의 크기또한 매우 큽니다...

로드바이크는 잘 모르니 패스...대표적으로 룩사의 클릿이 있습니다 ^^


MTB용은...일단 로드와 달리 산행중에 끌바도 해야하고...

많이 걸어야 하며, 진흙등이 묻어도 끼우거나 뺄 수 있어야 하고...

여러가지 조건을 따지다 보니 크기가 매우 작아졌죠...

보통 클릿의 크기가 엄지손톱 두개 합한것보다 작답니다 ^^



대표적으로 3가지 회사의 클릿페달이 쓰이고 있습니다...

자전거 부속으로 명성이 높은 시마노사의 클릿이 있습니다...(505, 540, 959등..숫자가 모델명이죠 ^^)

그다음에 타임...타임 어택, 어택 카본, 알리움... 이런식의 모델들이 있죠 ^^

크랭크 브라더스...에그비터, 말렛, 캔디 등의 모델이 있습니다...



각 회사마다 특징이 있으며, 클릿은 각각 틀리기 때문에 호환이 안됩니다...

(시마노의 경우는 엑스페도, 웰고사 및 몇몇 클릿페달과 호환이 가능합니다..)



자 각각의 대표적인 특징을 써보도록 할까요~ ^^

보통 입문용으로 많이 쓰시는 시마노...

최저가형이라 불리는 505부터, 가장 고가인 959까지 상당히 많은 라인업을 가지고 있습니다...

545, 646등 클릿, 평페달 겸용 페달도 있구요...

일단 가격이 저렴한 편입니다...가장 최상급인 959라고 해도, 샵가 12만정도 입니다...




위 - 646, 아래 - 959


사용자가 많기때문에, 중고물품등을 구하기도 쉽고...

클릿또한 쇠로 되어있어서 내구성이 좋습니다..가격역시 싸구요...

또한 최저가형부터 클릿의 탈착 장력 조절이 가능하기 때문에...

부담없이 클릿의 세계로 빠져들 수 있죠 ^^;


대표적인 단점은...진흙등에 약하다 입니다...

진흙이나 모래등이 끼게되면, 동작에 방해를 많이 받는 구조이죠...

최고의 산악용이라고 하는 858이나 959도 다른 모델보다 나을뿐이지, 부족합니다...

탈착각도가 작습니다...작으면 잘 빠지죠~ 잘빠지면 좋은게 아니냐..하시는데...

물론 위험할때 좋습니다..하지만, 급한 코너링을 위해 린아웃을 해서 가는데...

발이 살짝 틀어지면, 페달에서 발이 통 하고 빠져버립니다 ㅡ.ㅡ;

결과는? 모..상상에 맏기겠습니다 ^^;;



또한 많이 알려져 있는 타임...


타임 - 어택 티탄 카본


타임에선 카본, 티탄등의 소재를 사용하기도 합니다...

그래서 가격대는 시마노보다 조금 높습니다....

클릿, 평페달 겸용모델은 본적이 없어서...^^; 있는지 없는지 잘 모르겠어요 -0-

장점은 진흙에 강하다...

구조를 보시면, 달랑 철사 두개가 클릿을 잡아주는 형태입니다...

그리고 그 아래쪽으로는 커버가 있구요...신뢰성이 높죠 ^^

구형모델은 안되지만, 신형은 장력 조절이 가능합니다...

또한, 구형모델의 경우는 클릿의 좌우 위치를 바꿔줌으로써 탈착각의 조절이 가능합니다 ^^


단점은..시마노에 비해서 잘 안빠진다 입니다...

조금 더 물고있는 느낌이 깊다고 할까요..모 그런거 ^^

그리고 가격이 높죠 -0-;;

또한, 유지비가 많이 듭니다...

클릿페달의 유지비는 클릿 교체인데요...

이넘이 신주(황동계열)을 사용합니다...

쇠보다 무르죠..가격도 쌥니다...2만원 근처정도 ^^;



마지막으로 크랭크 브라더스...

보통 크랭크 브라더스 라고 하면 잘 모르는 경우가 많은데요..

대표적인 페달이 에그비터 입니다...



크랭크 브라더스 - 에그비터 티탄



가장 작은..가장 간결한 페달이죠...-0-

달랑 스프링이 연결된 철사가 사방으로 나와있는것..이게 에그비터의 모양입니다 ^^



크랭크 브라더스 - 캔디 티탄


캔디처럼 가이드가 있는 모델도 있구요, 말렛 시리즈처럼 평페달 겸용으로 쓰일 수 있는 모델도 있습니다...

소개하는 페달 3종류 중에 가장 고가입니다...

가장 저가라고 해도, 시마노 최상급 모델인 959 가격보다 위에서 시작합니다 ^^

위에 보여드린 에그비터 티탄은 보통 샵가 40만원이 넘습니다..^^


최고의 장점은, 보시다시피 진흙이 낄 공간이 없습니다 -0-

그리고 다른 구조물이 없으니 무게또한 가벼워지죠..

게다가 두방향이 아닌 4방향 어느곳에나 클릿 장착이 되기때문에...

걍 대충 발 들이밀면 장착이 됩니다 ^^

그 이외의 특징은 타임과 비슷하지만, 타임보다 조금 더 안빠집니다...

장력조절 나사는 없으며, 클릿의 좌우위치 변화만으로 조절을 해야 합니다...


단점은...일단 높은 가격대겠죠 ㅋㅋ

또한 이 모델들도 신주를 사용합니다...유지비가 들겠죠~

그리고 사람에 따라 틀린데...페달이 너무 가늘어서, 느낌이 안좋다고 하시는 분들도 있습니다...

그치만 클릿 타면 거의 비슷비슷 합니다 -0-; 평페발 겸용모델이 아니면 말이죠 ^^



이상 대략적인 클릿에 대한 소개를 마치구요...

많은 분들이 이렇게 생각하십니다...

난 아직 클릿을 달 실력이 안되! 라고 말이죠...

하지만 저는 이렇게 말하죠...

잔차 1달탄 초보나, 잔차 1년탄 사람이나...클릿으로 바꾸면, 모두 클릿의 초보라구요...

물론 잔차를 탄 기간이 길면 위급상황에 대한 대처등이 좋아지긴 하지만...

약간의 유리함 빼고는 1달탄 초보나 1년탄 사람이나 클릿 끼우면 다 똑같습니다 -0-;

오히려 1달탄 사람이 적응이 더 빠르죠...다른 자세가 몸에 익기 전에 바꾸는 거니까요...^^

저는 잔차를 사고 2주도 안되어 클릿으로 갔습니다..

또한, 클릿달고 4달정도가된...3일 전까지는 클릿을 사용했구요...

지금은 클릿신발(앞이 망사라는 ㅠ.ㅜ) 발시림의 압박에..평페달에 등산화 신습니다 ㅡ.ㅡ;


4달동안 클릿때문에 넘어진적이..딱 3번쯤 있습니다...

그 3번 모두, 달고나서 3달이 지난 후에야 넘어졌죠 ㅡ.ㅡ;

처음 한두달은 정말 클릿에 신경쓰고...조심조심 하고 하다보니..절대 안넘어지더군요...

그러다 3달째쯤 되니...이제 난 클릿에 익숙해~ 라고 생각을 해버린거죠 ㅡ.ㅡ;

그래서 아무생각없이 발 옆으로 놓다가...쿠당 ㅡ.ㅡ;

두번은 스탠딩 연습한다고 바둥바둥 하다가..핸들을 그만 너무 많이 돌려서 그대로 옆으로 ㅡ.ㅡ;;;

그 3번쯤 이외에는, 사고등으로 넘어지는 경우가 있더라도 그 순간 클릿은 빠지더군요...


자...업힐에서 치고 나가고 싶으신가요?

균형적인 근육의 발달을 원하시나요?

라이딩 자세를 정확히 잡아보고 싶으세요?

평속 3~4km 올리기를 원하시나요?

이 모든것을 한방에 해결해 드립니다~~~


클릿의 세계로 오세요 -0-;;





각종 크랭크 무게비교


Manufacturer Model Year   Size Claimed Real ± Comments
Bontrager Big Earl 2005 75 mm, 22/32/Bash 880 g 869 g −1,25% ISIS, incl. crank fixing bolts Correct or complete this entry
Bontrager Comp ? ? 738 g   Correct or complete this entry
Bontrager Race Lite 2003 175 mm 22/32/44 685 g 694 g +1,31% ISIS, BCD 64/104 mm Correct or complete this entry
Bontrager Race Lite 2005 175 mm 39/53 840 g 821 g −2,26% incl. Truvativ Giga X-Pipe BB Correct or complete this entry
Bontrager Race X Lite 2005 172.5 mm 39/53 800 g 834 g +4,25% incl. propritary Truvativ Giga X-Pipe BB Correct or complete this entry
Bontrager Select 2005 175 mm 22/32/44 780 g 805 g +3,21% ISIS, excl. crank fixing bolts (+38 g) Correct or complete this entry
Campagnolo Athena 1994 172.5 mm 42/52 649 g ISO, BCD 135 mm, excl. crank fixing bolts Correct or complete this entry
Campagnolo Centaur Ultra-Torque ST 10s 2009 172.5 mm 39/53 856 g 834 g −2,57% excl. integrated BB cups Correct or complete this entry
Campagnolo Chorus 2002 172.5 mm 39/50 577 g ISO, BCD 135 mm Correct or complete this entry
Campagnolo Chorus 2005 172.5 mm 39/53 647 g 670 g +3,55% ISO, BCD 135 mm, w/out crank fixing bolts (+32 g) Correct or complete this entry
Campagnolo Chorus CT Carbon 2005 172.5 mm 34/50 565 g ISO, w/out crank fixing bolts Correct or complete this entry
Campagnolo Chorus CT Carbon 2005 175 mm 36/50 619 g ISO, w/ crank fixing bolts (36 g) Correct or complete this entry
Campagnolo Chorus Triple 2003 175 mm 30/42/52 767 g ISO, w/out crank fixing bolts (+35 g) Correct or complete this entry
Campagnolo Record Carbon 2002 172.5 mm 39/53 530 g   Correct or complete this entry
Campagnolo Record Carbon 10s 2004 172.5 mm 39/53 580 g ISO, BCD 135 mm, w/ crank fixing bolts Correct or complete this entry
Campagnolo Record Carbon 10s 2004 175 mm 39/53 500 g 543.3 g +8,66% ISO, BCD 135 mm, w/out crank fixing bolts (+35.2 g) Correct or complete this entry
Campagnolo Record Ultra-Torque CT 2007 172.5 mm 34/50 643 g 640 g −0,47% excl. integrated BB cups Correct or complete this entry
Campagnolo Record Ultra-Torque ST 11s 2009 170 mm 39/53 650 g 639 g −1,69% excl. integrated BB cups Correct or complete this entry
Campagnolo Super Record 1980 170 mm 42/54 596 g ISO, w/ dustcaps, w/out crank fixing bolts Correct or complete this entry
Campagnolo Super Record Ultra-Torque CT 2009 170 mm 34/50 640 g 633.5 g −1,02% excl. integrated BB cups Correct or complete this entry
Campagnolo Veloce Ultra-Torque 2007 170 mm 39/53 836 g 844 g +0,96% excl. integrated BB cups Correct or complete this entry
Cannondale CX2 2002 175 mm 29/44 600 g 585 g −2,50% w/ crank bolts Correct or complete this entry
Cannondale EX3 2003 175 mm 22/32/44 618 g Octalink, w/ Competition rings Correct or complete this entry
Cannondale Hollowgram Si 2004 172.5 mm 39/53 660 g 660 g ±0,00% incl. proprietary BB + crank fixing bolts Correct or complete this entry
Cannondale PX2 Triple 2001 30/42/52 870 g big ring made from Al, rest CrMo, w/ all bolts Correct or complete this entry
Caramba Double Barrel 1998 20/30/42 570 g w/ QBP rings Correct or complete this entry
Coda 900 Road (Magic Motorcycle) 1999 175 mm 39/53 595 g w/ Specialites TA rings and all bolts Correct or complete this entry
Coda Tarantula 2001 29/44 590 g CODA rings Correct or complete this entry
Cook Bros E series 1998 24/36/48 663 g Real 7075 rings Correct or complete this entry
CPI Cyclone 2001 170 mm 28/38/48 1335 g steel arms, steel chainrings Correct or complete this entry
Crank Brothers Cobalt SL 2007 175 mm 22/32/44 642 g ISIS, incl. crank fixing bolts Correct or complete this entry
Deda Elementi D-Power 2005 170 mm 34/50 546 g ISIS, add 22 g for crank fixing bolts Correct or complete this entry
Easton EC90 2009 175 mm 39/53 558 g 574 g +2,87% excl. integrated BB cups & cover (+102 g for Ceramic BSA version) Correct or complete this entry
Extralite E-Bones 2004 175 mm 22/32/44 476 g 478 g +0,42% 175 mm, BCD 64/104 mm, OctaRamp rings, w/ ExtraBolts Al chainring bolts Correct or complete this entry
Extralite E-Bones W 2005 175 mm 22/32/44 620 g 622.5 g +0,40% incl. propritary BB and crank fixing bolts, averaged (621/624) Correct or complete this entry
Extralite FishBones 2002 172.5 mm 22/32/42 568 g 572 g +0,70% w/ crank bolts Correct or complete this entry
FRM CU 2 Evolution ? 22/32/44 570 g   Correct or complete this entry
FRM CU2-M 2x9 Integral 2005 175 mm 29/44 725 g incl. integrated bottom bracket, BCD 94 mm Correct or complete this entry
FRM CU2-M TR Integral 2005 175 mm 22/32/44 775 g incl. integrated bottom bracket, BCD 64/104 mm Correct or complete this entry
FRM CU2-R 130 2004 175 mm 39/53 562 g ISIS, BCD 130 mm Correct or complete this entry
FSA Afterburner 2004 175 mm 22/32/44 625 g 659 g +5,44% ISIS, w/out crank fixing bolts Correct or complete this entry
FSA Afterburner 2005 175 mm 22/32/44 599 g 608 g +1,50% ISIS, w/out crank fixing bolts, averaged (605/611) Correct or complete this entry
FSA Afterburner 2008 175 mm 22/32/44 870 g 954 g +9,66% MegaExo, incl. BB cups (103 g) Correct or complete this entry
FSA Afterburner 4-Arm 2003 175 mm 22/32/44 625 g 655 g +4,80% ISIS, +51 g for CrMo self-extracting bolts Correct or complete this entry
FSA Afterburner World Cup 2x9 2004 175 mm 29/44 625 g 594 g −4,96% ISIS, BCD 58/94 mm, w/out crank fixing bolts (comes w/out) Correct or complete this entry
FSA Carbon Pro 2001 175 mm 22/32/44 5-arm 626 g w/out crank bolts, washers & dustcaps Correct or complete this entry
FSA Carbon Pro 2002 175 mm 22/32/44 4-arm 565 g 593 g +4,96% ISIS, w/out crank bolts, avrg (590/595) Correct or complete this entry
FSA Carbon Pro 2002 175 mm 22/32/44 4-arm 565 g 575 g +1,77% Octalink, w/out crank bolts Correct or complete this entry
FSA Carbon Pro Compact 2003 172.5 mm 34/50 521 g 518 g −0,58% Octalink, w/out crank fixing bolts Correct or complete this entry
FSA Carbon Pro Compact 2003 175 mm 34/50 552 g Octalink, w/ self-extracting bolts Correct or complete this entry
FSA Carbon Pro Elite Compact 2004 172.5 mm 34/50 521 g 522 g +0,19% ISIS, BCD 110 mm, w/out crank fixing bolts (+18 g) Correct or complete this entry
FSA Carbon Pro Elite Compact 2004 175 mm 34/50 521 g 512.5 g −1,63% ISIS, BCD 110 mm, w/out crank fixing bolts, averaged (510/515) Correct or complete this entry
FSA Carbon Pro Team 2003 172.5 mm ??/??T. 555 g 574 g +3,42% TOOTHCOUNTS?, Octalink, w/out crank fixing bolts (16 g) Correct or complete this entry
FSA Carbon Pro Team Issue 2002 175 mm 39/53 572 g 573 g +0,17% Octalink, w/out crank bolts (23 g) Correct or complete this entry
FSA Carbon Pro Team Issue 2003 172.5 mm 39/53 555 g 562 g +1,26% Octalink w/out crank fixing bolts Correct or complete this entry
FSA Carbon Pro Team Issue 2003 175 mm 39/53 570 g ISIS Correct or complete this entry
FSA Carbon Pro Team Issue 2003 175 mm 39/53 594 g Octalink, w/out crank fixing bolts, averaged (592/596) Correct or complete this entry
FSA Carbon Pro Team Issue ATB 2004 170 mm 22/32/44 578 g ISIS, w/out crank fixing bolts (+18 g) Correct or complete this entry
FSA Carbon Pro Team Issue ATB 2004 175 mm 22/32/44 588 g ISIS, w/out crank fixing bolts Correct or complete this entry
FSA Carbon Pro Team Issue Campagnolo 2002 172.5 mm 39/53 570 g 592 g +3,86% ISO square taper, w/out crank bolts Correct or complete this entry
FSA Carbon Superlight 2003 172.5 mm 39/53 505 g 511 g +1,19% Octalink, left/right: 171/340 g Correct or complete this entry
FSA Carbon Superlight 2003 175 mm 39/53 505 g 512 g +1,39% ISIS, 10-speed, +16 g for Al crank bolts Correct or complete this entry
FSA Energy Compact 2004 170 mm 34/50 574 g ISIS, w/out crank fixing bolts Correct or complete this entry
FSA Energy Compact 2004 170 mm 38/48 577 g ISIS, w/out crank fixing bolts Correct or complete this entry
FSA Energy Compact 2004 172.5 mm 34/50 582 g ISIS, w/out crank fixing bolts Correct or complete this entry
FSA Energy Compact 2004 175 mm 34/50 600 g 587 g −2,17% Octalink 9-speed Correct or complete this entry
FSA Gossamer Compact MegaExo 2005 175 mm 34/50 908 g w/ BB cups, integrated axle & pedal washers Correct or complete this entry
FSA K-Force 2005 172.5 mm 39/53 460 g ISIS Correct or complete this entry
FSA K-Force 2005 172.5 mm 39/53 460 g 462 g +0,43% Octalink, w/out crank fixing bolts Correct or complete this entry
FSA K-Force Compact MegaExo 2006 175 mm 34/50 780 g 808 g +3,59% incl. propritary BSA BB, stock out of the box Correct or complete this entry
FSA K-Force MegaExo 2005 172.5 mm 39/53 660 g 762 g +15,45% incl. propritary BB, stock out of the box Correct or complete this entry
FSA K-Force MegaExo 2005 175 mm 39/53 790 g incl. propritary BB, stock out of the box Correct or complete this entry
FSA SL-K Compact MegaExo 2005 172.5 mm 34/50 794 g incl. propritary BB, stock out of the box Correct or complete this entry
FSA SL-K Compact MegaExo 2005 175 mm 34/50 809 g incl. propritary BB, stock out of the box Correct or complete this entry
FSA SL-K MegaExo 2005 175 mm 39/53 787 g incl. propritary BB, stock out of the box Correct or complete this entry
FSA SL-K MegaExo (OEM) 2005 172.5 mm 39/53 785 g 836 g +6,50% incl. propritary BB, stock on a Giant TCR Composite 1 Correct or complete this entry
FSA V-Drive 2003 175 mm 22/32/44 725 g 730 g +0,69% ISIS Correct or complete this entry
FSA V-Drive 2004 175 mm 22/32/44 647 g 650 g +0,46% ISIS, w/out crank bolts Correct or complete this entry
FSA V-Drive MegaExo 2005 175 mm 22/32/44 870 g 976.5 g +12,24% incl. propritary BB, stock out of the box, averaged (967/986) Correct or complete this entry
FSA Vigorelli 2005 167.5 mm 49T 770 g ISIS, track cranks Correct or complete this entry
Icon Graphite Series 2000 175 mm 22/32/44 4-Arm 688 g w/out crank bolts Correct or complete this entry
Kooka Bonnie 1999 175 mm 22/32/44 577 g square, Kooka rings w/ SRP chainring bolts Correct or complete this entry
Kooka Forged 1998 175 mm 22/32/44 581 g square, Kooka color rings w/ Al chainring bolts, w/out fixing bolts Correct or complete this entry
Light Bike Compatible sprocket wheel 2002 172.5 mm 39/53 470 g 505 g +7,45% machined from an ERGAL 55 monoblock Correct or complete this entry
Mavic 631 1996 172.5 mm 39/53 723 g   Correct or complete this entry
Middleburn RS-3 1997 175 mm 20/32/42 587 g   Correct or complete this entry
Middleburn RS-7 Duo 2005 180 mm 29/44 568 g 561 g −1,23% ISIS, 44T w/ Hardcote finish, Middleburn Al chainring bolts Correct or complete this entry
Middleburn RS-7 Pro Trial 2002 ? 680 g 683 g +0,44% ISIS Correct or complete this entry
Middleburn RS-7 Pro Trial 2003 165 mm 20T 651 g 651 g ±0,00% ISIS Correct or complete this entry
Middleburn RS-7 XC Duo 2000 29/42 530 g 560 g +5,66%   Correct or complete this entry
Middleburn RS-7 XC Duo 2003 180 mm 29/42 560 g 560 g ±0,00%   Correct or complete this entry
Middleburn RS-8 2003 175 mm 32T 454 g 454 g ±0,00% single ring Correct or complete this entry
Middleburn RS-8 Duo 2003 175 mm 29/42 541 g 542 g +0,18% JIS Correct or complete this entry
Middleburn RS-8 XC 2003 175 mm 22/32/44 601 g 601 g ±0,00%   Correct or complete this entry
Morati Ti ? 22/32/42 451 g incl. Boone Ti rings & bolts Correct or complete this entry
Pazzaz CK-03 Carbon 2003 172.5 mm 42/52T. 565 g Specialites TA rings, BCD 135 mm Correct or complete this entry
Race Face Atlas 2006 175 mm 22/32/44 955 g 965 g +1,05% X-Type incl. bottom bracket (proprietary) Correct or complete this entry
Race Face Cadence Compact X-Type 2006 175 mm 36/50 820 g 842 g +2,68% X-Type incl. bottom bracket (proprietary) Correct or complete this entry
Race Face Deus X-Type 2004 175 mm 22/32/44 820 g 838.3 g +2,23% X-Type incl. bottom bracket (proprietary), averaged (836/839/840), powdercoated Correct or complete this entry
Race Face Deus X-Type 2004 175 mm 22/32/44 820 g 819 g −0,12% X-Type incl. bottom bracket (proprietary), silver anodised Correct or complete this entry
Race Face Deus X-Type 2006 175 mm 22/32/44 815 g 832 g +2,09% X-Type incl. bottom bracket (proprietary) Correct or complete this entry
Race Face Diabolous X-Type 2004 175 mm 22/32/Bash 1314 g incl. BB, weighed w/ all shims, NO ISCG bracket Correct or complete this entry
Race Face Evolve XC 2004 175 mm 22/32/44 650 g ISIS, w/o crank fixing bolts, black, averaged (640/660) Correct or complete this entry
Race Face Evolve XC X-Type 2005 175 mm 22/32/44 925 g 939 g +1,51% X-Type incl. bottom bracket (proprietary) Correct or complete this entry
Race Face Next LP 2003 175 mm 24/34/46 654 g JIS Correct or complete this entry
Race Face Next LP w/ Specialites TA rings 2001 175 mm 24/32/44 605 g JIS, BCD 58/94 mm Correct or complete this entry
Race Face Next LP w/ Specialites TA rings 2003 175 mm 30/44 550 g JIS, BCD 58/94 mm, w/ tune Al chainring bolts Correct or complete this entry
Race Face Prodigy 2001 22/32/44 730 g   Correct or complete this entry
Race Face Prodigy DH 2002 175 mm 850 g 888 g +4,47% ISIS, w/ 2 chainrings and bashring Correct or complete this entry
Race Face Prodigy XC 2002 175 mm 22/32/44 675 g 686.5 g +1,70% ISIS, 4-bolt spider, averaged (685/688) Correct or complete this entry
Race Face Ride DH 2007 170 mm 24/36/RG 1368 g incl. 68/73 mm X-Type BB Correct or complete this entry
Race Face Ride XC Forged (Giant OEM) 2003 175 mm 680 g ISIS, left/right: 220/460 g, + 35 g for bolts Correct or complete this entry
Race Face Turbine LP Compact 2000 22/32/44 722 g steel bolt & rings Correct or complete this entry
Race Face Turbine LP Compact (ISIS/square?) 2000 ??? mm 22/32/44 625 g Race Face 32/42T., Action Tec Ti 22T., Al bolts Correct or complete this entry
Race Face Turbine LP Compact (ISIS/square?) 2003 175 mm 24/34/44 607 g silver ano, silver Specialites TA rings, CrMo chainring bolts Correct or complete this entry
Race Face Turbine LP Standard 2001 26/36/48 626 g XTR rings + Alloy chainring bolts Correct or complete this entry
Ritchey Pro 2001 175 mm 22/32/44 680 g 635 g w/ shaved small and big chainrings Correct or complete this entry
Ritchey Pro Mountain V 2004 175 mm 22/32/44 650 g 647 g −0,46% ISIS, w/out crank fixing bolts (+38 g) Correct or complete this entry
Ritchey WCS 1998 175 mm 22/32/42 649 g square, Compact CSSII HC Correct or complete this entry
Ritchey WCS 2001 175 mm 22/32/44 631 g   Correct or complete this entry
Ritchey WCS 2003 170 mm 22/32/44 654 g Octalink, BCD 64/104 mm, +35 g for crank fixing bolts Correct or complete this entry
Ritchey WCS Mountain V 2004 175 mm 22/32/44 609 g ISIS, incl. crank fixing bolts Correct or complete this entry
Ritchey WCS Mountain V 2005 175 mm 22/32/44 585 g 591 g +1,03% ISIS, incl. crank fixing bolts Correct or complete this entry
Ritchey WCS Road V 2003 170 mm, 39/53 592 g 638 g +7,77% DA/Ultegra spline, w/out crank fixing bolts Correct or complete this entry
Rotor System RC3 Mountain Triple FR 2003 175 mm 24/34/46 1200 g 1229 g +2,42% incl. Ti BB Correct or complete this entry
Sachs Neos 1999 175 mm 24/34/44 800 g aluminium arms, chainrings, incl. bolts Correct or complete this entry
Shimano 105 FC-1050 1987 170 mm 42/52 684 g JIS, BCD 130 mm, Biopace Al chainrings, steel chainring bolts Correct or complete this entry
Shimano 105 FC-5502-L 2004 172.5 mm 39/53 654 g 671 g +2,60% Octalink, BCD 130 mm, incl. crank fixing bolts and washers (38 g) Correct or complete this entry
Shimano 105 FC-5505 2004 175 mm 30/42/52 722 g Octalink, BCD 74/130 mm, silver, w/out bolts, claimed 745 g @ 170 mm w/ bolts Correct or complete this entry
Shimano Alivio 1998 175 mm 24/34/42 835 g aluminium arms, steel stamped chainrings, incl. bolts Correct or complete this entry
Shimano Alivio 2001 175 mm 22/32/44 890 g square taper Correct or complete this entry
Shimano Alivio FC-MC14 1996 170 mm 24/34/42 783 g 783 g ±0,00% JIS, steel chainrings (BCD 67 mm), excl. crank fixing bolts (25 g) Correct or complete this entry
Shimano Alivio FC-MC16 1997 170 mm 24/34/42 822 g JIS, w/out crank fixing bolts Correct or complete this entry
Shimano Alivio FC-MC18 1999 170 mm 22/32/42 812 g JIS, steel chainrings, w/out crank fixing bolts Correct or complete this entry
Shimano Alivio FC-MC20 2004 170 mm 22/32/42 885 g JIS, BCD 64/104 mm, steel chainrings, w/out crank fixing bolts Correct or complete this entry
Shimano Alivio FC-MC20 2004 175 mm 22/32/42 894 g JIS, BCD 64/104 mm, steel chainrings, w/out crank fixing bolts Correct or complete this entry
Shimano Deore 2000 22/32/42 686 g   Correct or complete this entry
Shimano Deore 2002 175 mm 22/32/44 715 g 725 g +1,40% Octalink, Hollowtech Correct or complete this entry
Shimano Deore XT Hollowtech 2000 9 spd 635 g   Correct or complete this entry
Shimano Deore FC-M510 2003 175 mm 22/32/44 687 g Octalink, w/out crank fixing bolts Correct or complete this entry
Shimano Deore FC-M540-LK 2005 175 mm 22/32/44 712 g Octalink, BCD 64/104 mm, w/ crank fixing bolts, 22/32T = Steel, 44T = Al Correct or complete this entry
Shimano Deore LX 1998 175 mm 22/32/44 714 g square, 4 bolt compact spider, incl. bolts Correct or complete this entry
Shimano Deore LX 2001 ? 656 g   Correct or complete this entry
Shimano Deore LX FC-M569-4 1998 175 mm 22/32/42 679 g JIS, w/out crank fixing bolts Correct or complete this entry
Shimano Deore LX FC-M570 1999 170 mm 22/32/44 703 g JIS, BCD 64/104 mm, excl. crank fixing bolts (+25 g) Correct or complete this entry
Shimano Deore LX FC-M571 2000 170 mm 22/32/42 658 g   Correct or complete this entry
Shimano Deore LX FC-M571 2002 170 mm 22/32/42 716 g Octalink, incl. crank fixing bolts and plastic chainring guard Correct or complete this entry
Shimano Deore LX FC-M571 2002 175 mm 22/32/42 669 g incl. crank bolts Correct or complete this entry
Shimano Deore LX FC-M572 2003 175 mm 22/32/44 644 g 651.6 g +1,18% Octalink, Hollowtech, black/gold, incl. crank bolts, averaged (648/651/656) Correct or complete this entry
Shimano Deore LX FC-M580 2005 175 mm 22/32/44 927 g 935 g +0,86% incl. bottom bracket Correct or complete this entry
Shimano Deore LX FC-M581 2005 175 mm 26/36/48 980 g 1030 g +5,10% incl. bottom bracket and chain guard (53 g) Correct or complete this entry
Shimano Deore XT 2001 175 mm 22/32/44 645 g 644.5 g −0,08% Octalink, Hollowtech, averaged (642/647) Correct or complete this entry
Shimano Deore XT FC-M737 w/ Specialites TA rings 1995 175 mm 20/32/42 622 g Square, BCD 58/94 mm, TA alloy rings & Avitar alloy bolts Correct or complete this entry
Shimano Deore XT FC-M739-4 1998 175 mm 22/32/44 674 g JIS, w/out crank fixing bolts Correct or complete this entry
Shimano Deore XT FC-M752 2003 175 mm 22/32/44T 617 g 624.5 g +1,22% incl. self extr. crank fixing bolts (26 g), averaged (617/625/627/629) Correct or complete this entry
Shimano Deore XT FC-M752 2003 175 mm 26/36/48 714 g incl. self extracting crank bolts (26 g), left arm alone weighs 188 g Correct or complete this entry
Shimano Deore XT FC-M760 2004 175 mm 22/32/44 829 g 865 g +4,34% incl. bottom bracket (105 g), left/right: 220/540 g, also weighed 870 g Correct or complete this entry
Shimano Deore XT FC-M760 2004 180 mm 22/32/44 870.5 g incl. bottom bracket, averaged (870/871) Correct or complete this entry
Shimano Deore XT FC-M761 2004 175 mm 26/36/48 866 g 905 g +4,50% incl. bottom bracket, w/out chain guard (+46 g) Correct or complete this entry
Shimano Deore XT FC-M770 2008 170 mm 22/32/44 854 g incl. bottom bracket Correct or complete this entry
Shimano Deore XT FC-M770 2008 175 mm 22/32/44 859 g incl. bottom bracket Correct or complete this entry
Shimano Deore XT FC-M770 2008 180 mm 22/32/44 878 g incl. bottom bracket Correct or complete this entry
Shimano Deore XT FC-M770 2009 175 mm 22/32/44 853 g 863 g +1,17% incl. bottom bracket Correct or complete this entry
Shimano Dura-Ace FC-7400 1988 175 mm 42/53 648 g JIS, Al chainrings, left arm alone weighs 197 g Correct or complete this entry
Shimano Dura-Ace FC-7700 2000 172.5 mm 39/53 613 g Octalink, BCD 130 mm, w/ one-key release crank fixing bolts Correct or complete this entry
Shimano Dura-Ace FC-7701 2001 175 mm 39/53 599 g 613 g +2,34% incl. crank fxing bolts Correct or complete this entry
Shimano Dura-Ace FC-7701 2003 172.5 mm 39/53 599 g incl. crank fxing bolts Correct or complete this entry
Shimano Dura-Ace FC-7701 2003 180 mm 39/53 626 g splined, incl. crank fixing bolts Correct or complete this entry
Shimano Dura-Ace FC-7800 2004 170 mm 39/53 740 g 742 g +0,27% incl BSA (or ITA?) BB (94 g) Correct or complete this entry
Shimano Dura-Ace FC-7800 2004 172.5 mm 39/53 735 g incl. BSA BB (95 g), left/right: 175/465 g Correct or complete this entry
Shimano Dura-Ace FC-7800 2004 175 mm 39/53 755 g incl. BSA BB (99 g) Correct or complete this entry
Shimano Dura-Ace FC-7800 2004 180 mm 39/53 765 g incl. BSA BB Correct or complete this entry
Shimano Dura-Ace FC-7800 2005 172.5 mm 39/53 738 g incl. BSA BB (98 g) Correct or complete this entry
Shimano Dura-Ace FC-7800 2005 175 mm 39/53 779 g incl. BSA BB (98 g) & bolts Correct or complete this entry
Shimano Dura-Ace FC-7800 2006 172.5 mm 39/53 761 g incl. BSA BB, claimed 740 g @ 170 mm Correct or complete this entry
Shimano Dura-Ace FC-7900 2009 175 mm 39/53 747 g incl. BSA BB (88 g), claimed 725 g @ 170 mm Correct or complete this entry
Shimano Dura-Ace FC-7950 2010 180 mm 34/50 687 g w/out BB cups Correct or complete this entry
Shimano Exage Country FC-M250 1988 170 mm 28/38/48 941 g JIS, BCD 74/110 mm, steel Biopace chainrings, steel chainring bolts Correct or complete this entry
Shimano Exage Motion FC-A250 1989 170 mm 40/52 866 g JIS, BCD 130 mm, Biopace steel chainrings, steel bolts Correct or complete this entry
Shimano FC-M440 2005 175 mm 22/32/44 922 g JIS, incl. crank fixing bolts Correct or complete this entry
Shimano FC-M540 (OEM on Specialized Epic Comp Disc) 2005 175 mm 22/32/44 683 g Octalink, BCD 64/104 mm, w/ crank fixing bolts, 22T = Steel, 32/44T = Al Correct or complete this entry
Shimano FC-R700 2006 172.5 mm 34/50 864 g incl. SM-FC6600 Correct or complete this entry
Shimano FC-R700 2006 175 mm 34/50 870 g incl. SM-FC6600 Correct or complete this entry
Shimano Hone FC-M600-3 2006 175 mm 22/32/44 928 g 918 g −1,08% incl. BB Correct or complete this entry
Shimano RSX 1998 175mm 42/53 937 g JIS, BCD 130 mm Correct or complete this entry
Shimano Saint FC-M800-1 2004 170 mm 34 1071 g incl. BB and spacers Correct or complete this entry
Shimano Saint FC-M800-2 2004 175 mm 22/32/CG 1124 g 1171 g +4,18% incl. BB, w/ chain guard (plastic) Correct or complete this entry
Shimano Saint FC-M800-3 2004 175 mm 22/32/44 1114 g 1192 g +7,00% incl. BB Correct or complete this entry
Shimano SLX FC-M660 2009 175 mm 22/32/44 886 g incl. BB cups Correct or complete this entry
Shimano STX-RC FC-MC36 1997 175 mm 22/32/42 736 g JIS, w/out crank fixing bolts Correct or complete this entry
Shimano STX-RC FC-MC36 1998 175 mm 22/32/42 741 g JIS, w/out crank fixing bolts Correct or complete this entry
Shimano Tiagra FC-4500 52-39T 2007 175 mm 39/52 975 g incl. BSA BB cups Correct or complete this entry
Shimano Ultegra FC-6500 1998 175 mm 39/53 643 g 683 g +6,22% Octalink, BCD 130 mm, w/ one-Key crank bolts Correct or complete this entry
Shimano Ultegra FC-6500 1999 175 mm 39/53 652 g Octalink, left/right: 209/443 g, w/out BB bolts (16 g each incl. washer & dust cup) Correct or complete this entry
Shimano Ultegra FC-6500 2000 53/39 683 g crank arm length? Correct or complete this entry
Shimano Ultegra FC-6500 2002 165 mm 39/53 666 g Octalink, w/ crank fixing bolts Correct or complete this entry
Shimano Ultegra FC-6500 2003 172.5 mm 39/53 672 g w/ stock 8 mm hex crank fixing bolts, averaged (671/673) Correct or complete this entry
Shimano Ultegra FC-6500 2004 170 mm 42/53 666 g Octalink, w/ stock crank fixing bolts Correct or complete this entry
Shimano Ultegra FC-6503 2003 172.5 mm 30/42/52 777 g Octalink, w/ crank fixing bolts, claimed 760 g for 170 mm Correct or complete this entry
Shimano Ultegra FC-6600 2005 172.5 mm 39/53 838 g incl. BSA BB (101 g), claimed 833 g @ 170 mm Correct or complete this entry
Shimano Ultegra FC-6600 2007 175 mm 39/53 853 g incl. BSA cups (98 g), manufactured Dec. 2006 Correct or complete this entry
Shimano Ultegra FC-6750 2010 172.5 mm 34/50 712 g excl. BB cups Correct or complete this entry
Shimano Ultegra SL Compact FC-6650-G 2008 170 mm 34/50 808 g 811 g +0,37% incl. SM-FC6601 BSA Correct or complete this entry
Shimano Ultegra SL Compact FC-6650-G 2008 172.5 mm 34/50 811 g incl. SM-FC6601 BSA (92 g) Correct or complete this entry
Shimano XTR 1994 175 mm, 26/36/46 730 g The orig. XTR crankset, w/out bolts Correct or complete this entry
Shimano XTR 1998 175 mm, 24/34/46 625 g w/ Deore XT chainrings (1999) 4-arm Correct or complete this entry
Shimano XTR 1998 180 mm 711 g incl. crank fixing bolts Correct or complete this entry
Shimano XTR 2001 ? 683 g incl. crank fixing bolts Correct or complete this entry
Shimano XTR FC-M900-TI 1995 180 mm, 26/36/48 734 g 74/110 mm; l/r 218/496 g, crank bolts & washers 20 g Correct or complete this entry
Shimano XTR FC-M951 1998 170 mm 24/34/46 697 g   Correct or complete this entry
Shimano XTR FC-M952 2002 175 mm 24/34/46 685 g 685 g ±0,00% 4 bolt Correct or complete this entry
Shimano XTR FC-M952 w/ XT spider and rings 2000 175 mm 22/32/44 678 g incl. self extracting crank fixing bolts Correct or complete this entry
Shimano XTR FC-M960 2003 170 mm 22/32/44(?) 785 g complete (incl. BB + bolts) Correct or complete this entry
Shimano XTR FC-M960 2003 175 mm 22/32/44 797 g 795.6 g −0,18% Hollowtech II Crankset & Bottom Bracket, averaged (790/798/799) Correct or complete this entry
Shimano XTR FC-M960 2003 175 mm 24/32/44 807 g   Correct or complete this entry
Shimano XTR FC-M960 2005 175 mm 22/32/44 797 g 810 g +1,63% Hollowtech II Crankset & Bottom Bracket Correct or complete this entry
Shimano XTR FC-M960 2006 175 mm 22/32/44 797 g 810 g +1,63% Hollowtech II Crankset & Bottom Bracket Correct or complete this entry
Shimano XTR FC-M970 2007 170 mm 22/32/44 781 g stock out of the box incl. BB cups (93 g) Correct or complete this entry
Shimano XTR FC-M970 2007 175 mm 22/32/44 786 g stock out of the box incl. BB cups Correct or complete this entry
Shimano XTR FC-M970 2007 180 mm 22/32/44 793 g stock out of the box incl. BB cups Correct or complete this entry
Specialites TA Zephyr Light 2003 172.5 mm 34/48 560 g 554 g −1,07% w / Al chainring bolts (stock?) Correct or complete this entry
Specialized Strongarm 7050 2003 ? 774 g Octalink 175mm, came on '03 Epic Correct or complete this entry
Specialized StrongArm II 2001 175 mm 728 g JIS, black Correct or complete this entry
Specialized StrongArm II 2002 175 mm 22/32/44 663 g JIS, averaged (651/675) Correct or complete this entry
Specialized Strongarm S-Works 2000 ? 685 g   Correct or complete this entry
SRAM Force 2007 170 mm 34/50 665 g 772 g +16,09% incl. propritary BSA bottom bracket Correct or complete this entry
SRAM Force 2007 175 mm 39/53 665 g 776 g +16,69% incl. propritary BSA bottom bracket Correct or complete this entry
SRAM Red 2009 165 mm 34/50 632 g excl. BB cups Correct or complete this entry
SRAM Red 2010 170 mm 39/53 630 g 637 g +1,11% excl. propritary BB30 bearing cups Correct or complete this entry
SRAM Rival 2007 172.5 mm 39/53 840 g 850 g +1,19% incl. propritary BSA bottom bracket Correct or complete this entry
Stella Azzurra Potenza 2003 172.5 mm 39/53 510 g 505 g −0,98% ISIS, BCD 130 mm Correct or complete this entry
Stronglight PULSION 2004 172.5 mm 39/53 462 g 460.5 g −0,32% ISIS, w/ stock Al crank fixing bolts, averaged (453/468) Correct or complete this entry
Stronglight PULSION 2005 172.5 mm 39/53 432.6 g ISIS, w/out stock Al crank fixing bolts (+23 g), averaged (426/434/438) Correct or complete this entry
Stronglight PULSION ACTIV LINK TI 2006 175 mm 39/53 mm 610 g 638 g +4,59% incl. integrated BSA BB Correct or complete this entry
Stronglight PULSION TRIPLE 2005 170 mm 30/42/52 515 g 515 g ±0,00% ISIS, w/out stock Al crank fixing bolts Correct or complete this entry
Stronglight VULCAN COMPACT 2005 170 mm 34/50 465 g 491 g +5,59% ISIS. w/out crank fixing bolts Correct or complete this entry
Sugino GLP 1981 170 mm 42/52 695 g 682 g −1,87% square taper (JIS or ISO?), BCD 144 mm Correct or complete this entry
Suntour CR210 2001 175 mm 22/32/42 842 g JIS, steel chainrings Correct or complete this entry
Suntour PowerFlo CW-XR11 1997 170 mm 28/38/48 963 g JIS, steel chainrings Correct or complete this entry
Suntour XCE 1991 170 mm 28/38/48 927 g JIS, BCD 74/110 mm, steel chainrings, steel chainring bolts Correct or complete this entry
Time ASX Titan 2006 172.5 mm 39/52 590 g 622 g +5,42%   Correct or complete this entry
TOKEN TK904 2004 175 mm 36/50 538 g ISIS, BCD 110 mm, 9/10-speed comp., excl. M15 Al crank fixing bolts (claimed 560 g w/ bolts) Correct or complete this entry
Truvativ Firex Team 2004 175 mm 22/32/44 637 g 662 g +3,92% ISIS, no crank fixing bolts Correct or complete this entry
Truvativ FiveD 2001 ? 817 g incl. BB bolts (29 g) Correct or complete this entry
Truvativ FiveD 2002 175 mm 22/32/44 826 g   Correct or complete this entry
Truvativ Hussefelt OEM 2003 175 mm 22/32/44 1070 g ISIS, steel rings, excl. crank fixing bolts Correct or complete this entry
Truvativ Hussefelt Trials 2002 170 mm 22T/BR 800 g 832 g +4,00% ISIS, BCD 64/104 mm, 22T ring + bashring, w/ M12 CrMo crank fixing bolts Correct or complete this entry
Truvativ Rouleur 2004 172.5 mm 39/53 599 g 626 g +4,51% ISIS, incl. crank fixing bolts Correct or complete this entry
Truvativ Stylo 2 1999 175 mm 22/32/44 735 g aluminium arms, chainrings, incl. bolts Correct or complete this entry
Truvativ Stylo 2 SX 1999 175 mm 22/32/44 740 g 763 g +3,11% JIS, 58/94 mm, chainrings CrMo/CrMo/Al Correct or complete this entry
Truvativ Stylo Carbon GXP 2005 175 mm 22/32/44 848 g 886 g +4,48% incl. bottom bracket (proprietary) Correct or complete this entry
Truvativ Stylo SL ISIS 2001 175 mm 672 g inc. bolts Correct or complete this entry
Truvativ Stylo SL ISIS 2001 175 mm 32/44 625 g XT rings ,SRP Al bolts Correct or complete this entry
Truvativ Stylo Team 2000 22/32/44 619 g 622 g +0,48%   Correct or complete this entry
Truvativ Stylo Team 2001 175 mm 670 g ISIS, w/ pedal spacers and bolts Correct or complete this entry
Truvativ Stylo Team 2001 22/32/44 652 g   Correct or complete this entry
Truvativ Stylo Team 2002 175 mm 22/32/44 617 g ISIS, BCD 64/104 mm, w/out crank fixing bolts, mirror black Correct or complete this entry
Truvativ Stylo Team 2003 175 mm 22/32/44 612 g 642 g +4,90% ISIS Correct or complete this entry
Truvativ Stylo Team 2004 175 mm 22/32/44 612 g 624 g +1,96% ISIS Correct or complete this entry
tune Big Foot 1996 175 mm 20/30/42 529 g JIS, BCD 58/94 mm, Cycle Dynamics Ti 20T., TA Specialites 30/42T., Steinbach & Avitar Al chainring bolts Correct or complete this entry
tune Big Foot 2000 22/32/42 594 g JIS, incl. tune (22/32T) and Middleburn (42T) rings Correct or complete this entry
tune Big Foot 2002 22/32/44 545 g JIS, TA chainrings, incl. chainring bolts Correct or complete this entry
tune Fast Foot 2004 175 mm 22/32/44 553 g hex taper, BCD 58/94 mm, incl. 22/32T tune Triebtreter, 44T Specialites TA rings and Al chainring bolts Correct or complete this entry
Votec Carbon ? ? 604 g inc. XTR rings Correct or complete this entry
White Industries ENO 2004 175 mm 34T 516 g JIS, singlespeed crankset Correct or complete this entry
ZIPP 300 2006 172.5 mm 39/53 440 g 471 g +7,05% ISIS, BCD 130 mm, incl. self extracting bolts, claimed weight from retail box Correct or complete this entry


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